Win Mind Over Money by Evan Lucas

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win mind over money evan lucas

Mind Over Money
by Evan Lucas
Major Street Publishing, $29.99

Leading economist Evan Lucas's bestselling guide to mastering your mindset and making better financial decisions is now available in a smaller, more affordable format, with two bonus chapters of updated information.

Mind Over Money has helped thousands of readers understand their money personality better and how their thinking and mindset drive their money behaviour.

What drives our behaviour and attitude toward money? All too often we ignore logic and make decisions around money that we know aren't entirely rational. That's because money isn't just about finances, it's deeply tied up with our emotions, our learned behaviours and our biases.

In the first of the new chapters, the author explores why knowing your money bias (whether you are a spender, risk-taker or investor) is not enough. How do you flick the switch and take action if you need to control this bias?

In the second bonus chapter, readers learn why having gratitude for what you have will improve your relationship with money.

This updated edition is certain to find a whole new readership in the current challenging economic environment.

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Conditions apply, see Commences Monday, 29 January 2024. Ends Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 11:59pm AEDST. AU residents 18+. This is a game of skill, not a game of chance. The Promoter is Rainmaker Group of Level 7, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

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