Friends With Money #64: The sandwich generation


When it comes to money, the dynamic between parent and child can be quite tricky.

Trying to balance conversations between generations regarding investments, wills, and retirement has the potential to create tension and hurt feelings.

This week on the Friends With Money podcast, Money's Michelle Baltazar speaks with Marc Bineham, an author, podcaster and money coach.

friends with money podcast the sandwich generation money sandwich

They discuss how to manage money as part of the sandwich generation, including:

  • What is The Money Sandwich generation?
  • Is it time for "the conversation"?
  • As always, get professional advice
  • The cost of getting it right
  • Tips to get things right with your money

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Michelle Baltazar is editor-in-chief of Money magazine and an award-winning journalist, editor and publisher. She has worked at media companies including BRW, Shares Magazine (London) and industry newspaper Financial Standard, and has written about superannuation, wealth management, investment technology and financial advice.