Money e-magazines May, June & July 2024

Money magazine July 2024 issue

Once dismissed as a passing fad, the recent decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to allow the first crypto-backed spot ETF is a watershed moment. We take a look at the implications of this decision, the pros and cons of digital currencies and we explain how it all works. In addition, we offer feature stories on the 20 winners of our annual Consumer Finance Awards: the best bank, customer-owned institution, insurance provider - and more; the true cost of owning a pet and how to cut down vet and food bills; how investing in electricity can help you profit off the AI boom.


Money magazine June 2024 issue

The big money story of the month - how to get the biggest and best tax return - is our June cover story. But we don't leave it there. This issue we show you how to invest and grow both your Stage Three tax cut and tax return in a way that sets you up for a better financial future.


Money magazine May 2024 issue

This month, Money magazine dives deeper into the psychology of money; the ways it shapes us and how understanding our temperaments as well as subconscious biases can help us make wiser financial and investment choices.