The Good Investment Guide - managed funds edition: complete profile

Welcome to the submission page for The Good Investment Guide - managed fund edition: Complete Profiles.

Please take your time to fill out the details below correctly. The form must be completed in one go, you cannot save your progress.

All fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory

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Submission information
First name*
Last name*
Email address*
Product details
Product name*
APIR code*
Fund manager name*
Product type*
Asset class*
Product size (FUM)*
Year established*
Minimum investment*
Volatility/risk level
Distribution frequency*
2021 Money Best of the Best Award
Customer contact details
Email address*
Mailing address*
Product overview* (maximum 160 words)
Word Count: 0
Product key Features* (10 key features, maximum 18 words each. Minimum six key features required if you don't want to use all 10)
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Fees and charges
Entry / exit fee*
Management fee*
Performance fee*
Buy / sell spread %*
Performance items
Performance benchmark*
NOTE: Performance data for your product will be integrated from Rainmaker Information's performance database. Performance in your profile will be reported as both net and gross returns, with comparisons to the benchmark specified above. If you are yet to supply performance data to Rainmaker Information, please email your latest data to [email protected].
Portfolio holdings summary (% break down of holdings in each sector. Specify to one decimal place)
Consumer discretionary*
Consumer staples*
Health care*
Information technology*
Telco services*
Extra benefits available (any loyalty offerings available, partnerships, etc. Maximum 50 words.)
Word Count: 0
Platforms* (please list all platforms where the product is available, separating each by a semi-colon;)