Win Confidence Feels Like Shit by Erika Cramer

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win a copy of confidence feels like shit book by erika cramer

What if you could create unshakable confidence and unstoppable self-belief?

Award-winning confidence coach Erika Cramer, The Queen of Confidence, invites you and women everywhere to stop accepting less, while also being prepared to put in the work - because creating confidence is not comfortable.

In Confidence Feels Like Shit, Erika shows you how to:

  • Reclaim your confidence and stand as your fully expressed self (filter and apology-free)
  • Create the ultimate confidence mindset
  • Stop obsessing about what other people think of you
  • Let go of people-pleasing once and for all
  • Stop constantly comparing yourself to others.

Confidence can transform your life forever! Every aspect of your own happiness, healing and self-worth begins and ends with you.

Erika includes life-altering questions and exercises, and a step-by-step guide to help you coach yourself into the confidence you deserve.

"It's time to stop believing that confidence is reserved for the lucky ones, the popular ones, or the 'pretty ones'. Confidence is available to each and every one of us."

Are you ready to do what it takes? Enter now for your chance to win!

Enter now to win one of five copies of Confidence Feels Like Shit
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Conditions apply, see Commences Monday, 1 November 2021. Ends Tuesday, 30 November 2021 at 11:59pm AEDST. AU residents 18+. This is a game of skill, not a game of chance. The Promoter is Rainmaker Group of Level 7, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

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