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win the joy of money

The Joy of Money
By Julia Newbould and Kate McCallum
ARE Media, $29.99

Money isn't just about money. It's about security. It's about choices - to live our lives the way we want. It's about everything money enables you to do and just as importantly what it allows you not to do.

Money is complex. Women know that they need to be smart about money, but are often stopped short- they don't know where to go, how to start, or who to trust. They feel that most material on money is skin-deep - it's either about budgeting or investing in the share market. They want expert guidance about money that explains the detail and the big picture, which is the genesis of the Joy of Money.

Written by Money editor-at-large Julia Newbould and financial adviser Kate McCallum, The Joy of Money starts with the personal foundations of money - what matters most to us, our values, goals and priorities. It then covers the practical elements at the intersection of money and life- creating a system for managing money, career, family, relationships, investment, superannuation, insurance, wills and estate planning and retirement planning.

This comprehensive money guide is designed to bring money to life - to put the joy back into money. You can read it cover to cover or dip in and out of the more pertinent chapters. We can't guarantee you instant financial freedom - we can give you financial knowledge and step-by-step guides to set you well on your way.

The Joy of Money was named best personal finance book in the 2020 Australian Business Book Awards.

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