Win a free copy of The Quick-Start Guide to Investing

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win a free copy of the quick start guide to investing by glen james and nick bradley

The Quick-Start Guide to Investing
By Glen James and Nick Bradley
Wiley, RRP $32.95 

Control your money? Control your future! So sit back and watch your wealth grow by investing the smart and simple way.

The Quick-Start Guide to Investing will show you how to kick-start your share-investing journey today.

No more gatekeeping. This handy, step-by-step guide gives you everything you need to know to consistently invest - and win - with the share market, ETFs, and so much more.

Money experts Glen James and Nick Bradley, hosts of the popular Money, Money, Money and This is Investing podcasts, will show you just how easy investing really is.

From building solid financial foundations to designing a resilient investment portfolio, The Quick-Start Guide to Investing will make you the investor you've always wanted to be.

You'll learn what apps and brokers are out there, how to take advantage of compound interest, why index funds perform so well, and how ETFs and REITs work.

And once you've nailed the basics, you'll discover more advanced tactics - like how you can grow your portfolio through trading, thematic investing, and options.

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Conditions apply, see Commences Wednesday, 28 August 2024. Ends Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 11:59pm AEST. AU residents 18+. This is a game of skill, not a game of chance. The Promoter is Rainmaker Group of Level 7, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

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