Want to live your best life? This is the book for you

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win your best life book by helen nan

Your Best Life
By Helen Nan
Wealth and Life Planning, $31.90

Written more as a novel than a self-help guide, Your Best Life is designed to walk you through the journey of financial advice but without dramatic storylines or thrill-seeking action.

The characters are fictional, but they represent scenarios that author Helen Nan has experienced over the past decade working as a financial adviser.

We meet Richard and Lisa, a couple in their 30s who are smart with many aspects of their lives - but not money.

The book shows how they achieve financial freedom with the help of a trusted adviser. And there are other characters in different circumstances.

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Conditions apply, see https://www.moneymag.com.au/win. Commences Monday, 30 November 2020. Ends Monday, 25 January 2021 at 11:59pm AEDST. AU residents 18+. This is a game of skill, not a game of chance. The Promoter is Rainmaker Group of Level 7, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

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