Friends With Money #76: Getting the best out of super


Getting the most out of your super is easier than you think.

The secret? Show your super account some love!

This week on the Friends With Money podcast, Money's Michelle Baltazar speaks with Anne Fuchs, head of advice at Australian Retirement Trust, about the top four things you can do to maximise and energise your superannuation.

friends with money podcast 76 getting the most out of your super

  • Where is the best place to seek financial advice?
  • The power of compounding interest
  • Top tips to supercharge your super

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Michelle Baltazar is editor-in-chief of Money magazine and an award-winning journalist, editor and publisher. She has worked at media companies including BRW, Shares Magazine (London) and industry newspaper Financial Standard, and has written about superannuation, wealth management, investment technology and financial advice.

Anne Fuchs is the head of advice at Australian Retirement Trust. She has worked across the financial services sector for more than 25 years. She has previously worked at Sunsuper, the AFA, ING Australia, Colonial First State UK's operation, and BT Funds Management. Anne also holds several directorships, including Teachers Union Health.