The federal court has given the green light to a $1.76 billion settlement for victims of the government's "shameful" robodebt scheme. Here's who will get paid.
First they were ripped off by banks and insurers. Now Aussies entitled to refunds are being targeted by companies promising to get them a refund - for a fee.
Reader Kay received a refund for a trip cancelled due to COVID-19, but the company held on to $350 in fees and surcharges. Are they allowed to do this?
Feeling skint? Now is the time to find out if you have a missing bank account, lost wages or forgotten rental bond refund. You could be owed thousands.
The federal government is set to refund Aussies more than $720 million from its unlawful robodebt scheme, but how do you know if you're due for a refund?
With weddings now limited to just five people, couples are frantically undoing plans that took months - and tens of thousands of dollars - to make. But will they be out of pocket?
AMP has placed money owed to former corporate superannuation customers into new accounts run by its own high-fee, low-return fund.
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