Love Your Super survey: Win a copy of the Best of the Best!

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Love Your Super survey 2025

Complete the survey for your chance to win Money's 2025 Best of the Best magazine

We are celebrating Money's Love Your Super Project by giving away 50 copies of the 2025 Best of the Best magazine, valued at $11.95 each. This issue will help you discover the best bank accounts, fund managers, insurance, superannuation and innovators in the world of personal finance.

Simply answer six short questions on superannuation for your chance to win! We will publish the aggregated results in March (no individual data will be published). We'll be sure to send you a copy of the findings.

The competition closes February 19, 2025, at 11:59pm.

Winners will be contacted by February 26, 2025.

Enter now for a chance to win
1. How often do you check your superannuation balance?
2. How have you tried comparing superannuation funds in the last five years?
I have not and am not interested in comparing
I have not but am interested to compare super funds
I have used an online comparison tool
I have read research and/or performance data
My financial adviser has provided me with options
3. At what age did you start voluntarily contributing more to your super?
I have never and have no intentions of contributing more
I have never but am intending to contribute more
I started before I was 20 years of age
I started between 20 - 29 years of age
I started between 30 - 39 years of age
I started between 40 - 49 years of age
I started between 50 - 59 years of age
I started after 60 years of age
4. Referring to the table below, is your superannuation balance above or below average for your age?
5. Do you have a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)?
6. Which of the below superannuation offerings are important to you?
Ethical investing
Aligned to the industry I work in
Competitive fees
Customer service
Easy to use apps and websites
Low investment risk
Loyalty partnerships
Transitioning to retirement (income streams)
Transparency as to where my money is invested

Your details - so we can mail your copy if you win!
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
No./Street *
Suburb *
State *
Postcode *
Country *
 I consent to my response being used in future editorial or promotional material
Conditions apply, see Commences Wednesday, 5 February 2025. Ends Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 11:59pm AEDST. AU residents 18+. This is a game of chance. The Promoter is Rainmaker Group of Level 7, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

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