Friends With Money #27: Why paying for drinks with your mobile is safer than using a credit card

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COVID-19 has changed our spending behaviours - we moved from cash to cards and quickly to mobile payments.

Arun Devidas, the head of card issuing and acquiring at Bendigo Bank, joins Money managing editor Julia Newbould on the Friends With Money podcast, to talk about what mobile wallets are, the growth of mobile payments and their advantages over credit cards.tec

Plus, find out how can you prevent your children racking up big credit bills behind your back.

friends with money podcast paying for beer with your phone

They also discuss:

  • Why mobile wallet take-up was a slow burn
  • Why initial account set-up is key to securing mobile payments
  • And how mobile payments are increasing in popularity, particularly at bars and restaurants.

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Julia Newbould was editor-at-large and later managing editor of Money from November 2019 to February 2022. She was previously editor of Financial Planning and Super Review magazines; managing editor at InvestorInfo and at Morningstar Australia. Julia co-authored The Joy of Money, a book on women and personal finance. She holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney where she serves on the alumni council.

Arun Devidas is the head of cards and payments at Bendigo Bank, where he has led a number of digital payment initiatives, including the launch of Apple Pay and Google Pay. Prior to joining Bendigo, he had an IT consulting background working at PwC and Oakton with finance and government sector clients. Arun holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Information Systems from the University of Melbourne and an MBA from the University of Wales.
katrina hughes
December 22, 2021 4.58pm

Hello, am i correct in saying that your Friends with Money Podcasts are not subtitled (aka closed captions) ? for those of us who are deaf / hearing impaired / rely on lipreading... Regards, Katrina

Julia Newbould, Money magazine
December 22, 2021 5.18pm

Thank you so much for contacting us and your interest in the Friends With Money podcast.

We are looking at offering captioning in the future but we are not yet able to do that, and apologise to those who are unable to enjoy them at this stage.

- Julia Newbould


Money magazine