Friends With Money #42: Getting the best mobile and internet deal

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Getting the best broadband and mobile deal is easier than you think!

This week the managing editor of WhistleOut, Alex Choros, joins Money's Julia Newbould to explain how to save big on those phone and internet plans. In today's episode we discuss:

  • Why would you change phone and internet plans?
  • How do you find the right plan and provider?
  • If you change providers, do you keep your mobile number?
  • How do you get out of a bad phone or broadband plan?
  • Are family telco plans beneficial?
  • Is 5G home broadband a good deal?
  • Can you switch back if you're not happy with your new broadband or mobile provider?
  • How simple is it to make the change

friends with money podcast best phone and internet deals

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Julia Newbould was editor-at-large and later managing editor of Money from November 2019 to February 2022. She was previously editor of Financial Planning and Super Review magazines; managing editor at InvestorInfo and at Morningstar Australia. Julia co-authored The Joy of Money, a book on women and personal finance. She holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney where she serves on the alumni council.

Alex Choros is the managing editor of WhistleOut and an expert on the Australian telco sector. He has a Master of Strategic Public Relations from the Univesity of Sydney, a Bachelor of Creative Industries, and a Bachelor of Information Technology from the Queensland University of Technology.