Family, festivals, and furry friends: the Money team shares their highlights


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What do you expect to be the highlight of your summer? The Money team has opened up to share what they're counting down to this year...

Effie Zahos, editor

"Be­ing there for my daugh­ter at 9am on Fri­day De­cem­ber 14 to re­mind her that no mat­ter what ATAR she gets on this day, no num­ber should ever de­fine you. Ex­plor­ing the 'Pearl of the An­daman' one of Thai­land's most iconic is­lands with my fam­ily and tak­ing cook­ing lessons with a lo­cal in their own home."

money team highlights

effie zahos thailand

Maria Bekiaris, deputy editor

"Day trips to ex­plore some of the fab­u­lous beaches up and down the NSW coast, vis­its to the lo­cal pools with the kids and their friends, watch­ing them en­joy their down­time af­ter a busy year at school. And just get­ting to en­joy qual­ity time with fam­ily and friends."

maria bekiaris pool

Ann Loveday, art director

"Sum­mer at Casa Loveday ... it's the sea­son for en­ter­tain­ing, cook­ing new things and de­vour­ing sum­mer reads. The warm days will sail by with no en­gage­ments more im­por­tant than grab­bing a towel and strolling down to Clovelly beach for a high-tide dip. Mar­vel­lous."

ann loveday clovelly

Susan Hely, senior writer

"I've rented a sim­ple cot­tage on a lit­tle-known bay north of Syd­ney with a re­serve in front where kan­ga­roo fam­i­lies laze around. That's where the fam­ily will spend Christ­mas be­fore head­ing to the awe­some Wood­ford Folk Fes­ti­val for six days with 1200 events."

susan hely christmas

Sharyn McCowen, online producersharyn mccowen blue cattle dog

"A cheeky, snub­nosed, stumpy-tailed blue puppy un­der the Christ­mas tree.

"She's not a present or any­thing, she is just busy guard­ing her new col­lec­tion of shiny tennis balls (Christ­mas baubles) that she thinks we've been hid­ing from her till now."

Bob Christensen, senior sub-editor

"Both my kids have reached mile­stones: my daugh­ter has fin­ished high school and my son has fin­ished uni. Over sum­mer they'll move onto the next stage in their lives. It's ex­cit­ing - and scary - for all of us. The best bit: no more school lunches to worry about!"

bob christensen family milestones

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