Friends With Money #7: Space, the new investment frontier


More than just a billionaire's playground, space offers investment opportunities along the entire supply chain, from government defence spending right through to Australia's bread and butter, mining.

According to KPMG, Australia's space industry will provide fertile ground for retail investors, who can already gain exposure through superannuation funds and ETFs.

In this episode of the Friends With Money podcast, David Thornton is joined by Mike Kalms, lead partner for defence and space industry at KPMG Australia, and Jacob Hacker, space industry account lead, to discuss their findings and more.

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David Thornton was a journalist at Money from September 2019 to November 2021. He previously worked at Your Money, covering market news as producer of Trading Day Live. Before that, he covered business and finance news at The Constant Investor. David holds a Masters of International Relations from the University of Melbourne.

Jacob Hacker is an associate director at KPMG where he heads the space industry account. He has a Bachelor of Engineering focusing on aerospace, aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Sydney. Jacob has worked with clients in the space and financial services sectors across Australia, Europe, and the United States. He is a member of the International Astronautical Federation's Space Entrepreneurship. Prior to joining KPMG, Jacob worked with the United Nations Observer, Space Generation Advisory Council, as the global treasurer as well as representative to the United Nations COPUOS (Committee On the Peaceful Uses of Outer-Space) in Vienna.

Mike Kalm leads KPMG Australia's national customer and operations advisory group. He drives KPMG's national defence industry and space accounts and has more than 30 years' experience in business and government in Australia, Europe and Asia. Mike holds a Bachelor of Economics from Sydney University and a Masters of Management from UNSW.